Non Profit Universities in Florida: A Comprehensive Guide

non profit universities in florida

Looking for non profit universities in Florida? This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to know about non-profit universities in Florida, including a list of all non-profit universities in Florida, their tuition costs, and more.

What are Non-Profit Universities?

Non-profit universities are colleges and universities that are operated by non-profit organizations. This means that instead of being owned by shareholders or investors, they are overseen by a board of trustees that focuses on the school’s mission and advancing education.

Unlike for-profit schools, non-profit universities put their net revenue back into the institution rather than distributing it to shareholders. This allows them to focus on education quality rather than profits.

Why Choose a Non-Profit University?

There are several key reasons why students may want to consider attending a non-profit university:

  • Lower Tuition Costs – On average, non-profit universities charge lower tuition than comparable private, for-profit institutions. This can help students save money on their education.
  • Tax Benefits – Donations and endowments to non-profit universities are tax deductible, allowing more funds to go toward improving campus facilities, programs, and lowering tuition rates.
  • Education Focus – Non-profit schools are mission-driven and focused on providing a quality education above all else. They reinvest net revenue into improving academics.
  • Accountability – Non-profits are accountable to their governing boards and must uphold educational missions. This oversight can help ensure a focus on education quality.

Benefits of Attending a Non-Profit University

Beyond potentially lower tuition costs, there are several other advantages students can enjoy when attending non-profit universities:

  • Smaller class sizes and more individualized attention from professors
  • Hands-on learning, undergraduate research opportunities, and study abroad options
  • Robust student life and extracurricular activities
  • Career counseling and job placement services
  • Need-based financial aid and scholarship availability
  • Networking and alumni connections
  • Accredited programs that are eligible for federal funding

By choosing a non-profit university in Florida, students can reap these types of benefits while also paying lower tuition rates compared to attending private, for-profit colleges.

List of All Non-Profit Universities in Florida

Florida is home to over 25 excellent non-profit colleges and universities. Here is a comprehensive list of these institutions across the state:

University of Miami

  • Tuition: $51,504
  • Acceptance Rate: 37%
  • Graduation Rate: 86%

The University of Miami is a prestigious private research university located in Coral Gables. It is especially known for its medical, law, and marine science programs.

Florida Southern College

  • Tuition: $37,900
  • Acceptance Rate: 63%
  • Graduation Rate: 76%

Florida Southern College is a private liberal arts college located in Lakeland. It offers over 50 undergraduate degree programs and emphasizes engaged learning.

Eckerd College

  • Tuition: $48,500
  • Acceptance Rate: 59%
  • Graduation Rate: 70%

Eckerd College is a private liberal arts and sciences college located in St. Petersburg. It has a focus on sustainability and environmental studies.

Nova Southeastern University

  • Tuition: $35,000
  • Acceptance Rate: 74%
  • Graduation Rate: 65%

Nova Southeastern University is a private research university with its main campus in Davie. It offers over 175 programs and has a renowned health professions division.

Rollins College

  • Tuition: $51,200
  • Acceptance Rate: 53%
  • Graduation Rate: 79%

Rollins College is a private liberal arts college located in Winter Park, known for its humanities, arts, and sciences programs as well as its business school.

Lynn University

  • Tuition: $49,000
  • Acceptance Rate: 62%
  • Graduation Rate: 75%

Lynn University is a private university located in Boca Raton, recognized for its NCAA Division II athletics and conservatory of music.

Palm Beach Atlantic University

  • Tuition: $39,000
  • Acceptance Rate: 68%
  • Graduation Rate: 72%

Palm Beach Atlantic University is a private Christian university located in West Palm Beach. It offers over 50 undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Jacksonville University

  • Tuition: $45,000
  • Acceptance Rate: 65%
  • Graduation Rate: 68%

Jacksonville University is a private university located in Jacksonville offering liberal arts, sciences, nursing, business, and music programs.

Keiser University

  • Tuition: $25,000
  • Acceptance Rate: 95%
  • Graduation Rate: 55%

Keiser University is a private non-profit university with campuses across Florida focused on career-oriented education at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Clearwater Christian College

  • Tuition: $35,000
  • Acceptance Rate: 70%
  • Graduation Rate: 65%

Clearwater Christian College is a private liberal arts college located in Clearwater that integrates Christian faith into its academics and student life.

Warner University

  • Tuition: $30,000
  • Acceptance Rate: 85%
  • Graduation Rate: 60%

Warner University is a private Christian liberal arts university located in Lake Wales. It has a traditional undergraduate program as well as adult and graduate programs.

This covers some of the major non-profit colleges and universities that students can attend across Florida. From small liberal arts schools to major universities, Florida offers affordable non-profit higher education options fit for many different students.

In-Depth Look at Top Non-Profit Universities in Florida

To help you learn more about some of the best non-profit schools in the state, let’s take a deeper dive into a few of the top options:

University of Miami

As one of the top private research universities in Florida, the University of Miami is a strong choice for students seeking a vibrant campus and innovative academic programs. UM has over 11,000 undergraduate students across a range of disciplines including business, arts and sciences, engineering, music, and more.

The scenic Coral Gables campus provides a tropical setting for learning and student life. UM is especially recognized for its marine and atmospheric sciences and offers top-ranked programs through the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. It also has highly ranked graduate programs in fields like medicine, law, and psychology.

With an endowment of over $1 billion, UM has resources to invest in education and research as well as provide robust scholarships and financial aid, making it accessible to students of all backgrounds. Around 75% of students receive some form of need- or merit-based financial assistance.

Florida Southern College

Florida Southern College offers the benefits of a small, private liberal arts college experience combined with innovative academic offerings. Located in Lakeland, FSC has an enrollment of around 3,000 students and boasts a picturesque campus with Frank Lloyd Wright-designed architecture.

Students can choose from 50+ undergraduate majors and programs focused in the arts, humanities, sciences, business, nursing, education, and more. Signatures programs include marine biology, musical theatre, graphic design, and accounting.

The college has an engaging learning environment centered on experiential opportunities like internships, study abroad, service projects, and undergraduate research. This allows students to apply knowledge and skills outside the classroom. FSC also has a thriving Greek life and other student organizations.

Nova Southeastern University

With its main campus situated in Davie, Nova Southeastern University is the largest private non-profit university in Florida. It offers educational options from pre-school through doctoral and professional programs. Undergraduate students make up around 22% of the total 20,000+ students enrolled across all levels.

Undergraduates can select from 50+ majors ranging from arts and sciences to nursing, education, engineering, and more. There is also an Honors College for high-achieving students. The school places emphasis on experiential learning, research opportunities, and community service.

NSU is especially known for its excellent health professions division, making it a leader in medical and health education. It also provides online and distance learning options to increase accessibility. With ample resources and research activity, NSU offers a well-rounded educational experience.

Finding the Right Fit

With this overview of excellent non-profit colleges and universities across Florida, students can identify the right educational fit based on factors like location, cost, majors offered, and campus culture.

Key aspects to consider include:

  • Size – Do you prefer large universities or small liberal arts colleges?
  • Programs – What majors and degree programs are you interested in? Do the schools offer these options?
  • Cost – What is the annual tuition? Does the school offer good financial aid and scholarships?
  • Campus Life – Are you looking for an urban campus? A residential setting? Lots of student activities?
  • Culture – Do the school’s values and environment align with what you want from your college experience?

By weighing these factors, students can find great non-profit schools in Florida that match their needs, interests, and budget.

The Benefits of Non-Profit Education in Florida

Attending one of Florida’s many excellent non-profit colleges and universities can provide students with a private school education and experience at an affordable price compared to other states.

Students who choose these schools benefit from the focus on education over profits. This manifests in ways like:

  • Lower student-to-faculty ratios for more personalized instruction
  • Investments in top faculty and academic resources
  • Greater undergraduate research opportunities
  • Need-based financial assistance availability
  • Career development services and networking

Non-profit schools also have accountability to governing boards and accreditors that help maintain high educational standards and student outcomes.

These advantages allow students to get a private university caliber education while also saving substantially on tuition compared to most private, for-profit alternatives. This provides excellent value and return on investment.

Choosing Your Path

Florida offers a vibrant selection of non-profit colleges and universities to meet diverse student needs. Whether hoping to attend a small liberal arts school or a major university, you can find an affordable option focused on providing exceptional academics.

Take time to explore all the excellent non-profit higher education choices Florida has to offer. Weigh factors like cost, degree programs, campus culture, and more to find your perfect college match.

With engaged learning environments, renowned faculty, accessible tuition rates, and values-driven communities, non-profit universities in Florida empower students to achieve their academic and career goals in an affordable setting.

Take the next step by [learning more about your options, comparing costs, and planning campus visits! With an increasing number of great schools to choose from, Florida provides the complete non-profit college experience.